8th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum
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Invited Papers

Olaf Blanke, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
The body down under: multisensory coding of self-location


Sophie Molholm, Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research
Multisensory integration: Evidence from human and non-human primate studies

Refereed Papers

Chiara Sambo, Cognitive Neuroscience Research Unit, Department of Psychology, City University, London
Bettina Forster, Cognitive Neuroscience Research Unit, Department of Psychology, City University, London
Tactile processing is modulated by task-irrelevant visual stimuli in peripersonal but not in extra-personal space: an ERP investigation

Jason S. Chan, Trinity College Dublin
Fiona N. Newell, Trinity College Dublin
Task-irrelevant spatial sounds affect haptic scene recognition

Daniel Linares, Department of Basic Psychology, University of Barcelona
Salvador Soto-Faraco, ICREA-Department of Basic Psychology, University of Barcelona
Temporal ventriloquism studied by means of a backward masking paradigm

Jess Hartcher-O’Brien, School of Psychology, University of Sydney
David Alais, School of Psychology, University of Sydney
Temporal Ventriloquism: Perceptual shifts forwards and backwards in time predicted by the maximum likelihood model

Noriaki Kanayama, School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University
Hideki Ohira, School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University
The effect of rubber hand illusion on congruency effect

Camille Koppen, University of Oxford, Department of Experimental Psychology
The factors modulating the Colavita visual dominance effect

Sophie Molholm, Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research
The Multisensory Nature of Object-Based Attention

Ehsan Arabzadeh, School of Psychology, University of Sydney
Colin Clifford, School of Psychology, University of Sydney
Justin Harris, School of Psychology, University of Sydney
The pedestal effect of vision on touch

Rebecca Winter, Psychology York University
Laurence Harris, Psychology York University
Vanessa Harrar, Psychology York University
Marta Gozdzik, Psychology York University
The perceived timing of the active and passive components of a touch

Ayla Barutchu, La Trobe University
Sophie Cullum Jenkins, La Trobe University
Amy Griffiths, La Trobe University
Melissa Hatty, La Trobe University
Felicity Wilkinson, La Trobe University
David Crewther, Swinburne University of Technology
Sheila Crewther, La Trobe University
The physiological effects of visual distracters on audiovisual matching of letters and novel symbols

Laurel Trainor, Psychology, Neurosience & Behaviour, McMaster University
Xiaoqing Gao, Psychology, Neurosience & Behaviour, McMaster University
Karen Lehtovaara, Psychology, Neurosience & Behaviour, McMaster University
Jing-jiang Lei, Psychology, Neurosience & Behaviour, McMaster University
Laurence Harris, Centre for Vision Research, York University
The Primal Role of the Vestibular System in Determining Musical Rhythm

Aisling Whitaker, School of Psychology/Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin
Jason Chan, School of Psychology/Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin
Fiona Newell, School of Psychology/Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin
The role of motion in haptic and cross-modal object recognition

Elena Azañón, Parc Científic de Barcelona – Universitat de Barcelona
Salvador Soto-Faraco , ICREA - Parc Científic de Barcelona – Universitat de Barcelona
The sight of uncrossed rubber hands improves crossed-hands tactile order judgments

Rick van der Zwan, Southern Cross University
David Cottrell, James Cook University
Russell Reid, Southern Cross University
Anna Brooks, Southern Cross University
The sound-induced flash illusion: auditory modulation of visual M-pathway activity

Massimiliano Di Luca, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Marc Ernst, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
The time course of multimodal percepts induced by reliability changes

Olivier Collignon, Université de Montréal
Marco Davare, Université catholique de Louvain
Anne De Volder, Université catholique de Louvain
Claude Veraart, Université catholique de Louvain
Etienne Olivier, Université catholique de Louvain
Colline Poirier, University of Antwerp
Maryse Lassonde, Université de Montréal
Franco Lepore, Université de Montréal
Time-course of posterior parietal and occipital cortex contribution to sound localization in early blind and sighted subjects.

Knut Drewing, Institute for Psychology, Giessen University
Philip Albus, Institute for Psychology, Giessen University
Anne Kunkel, Institute for Psychology, Giessen University
Top-down influences on the rubber hand illusion

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